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Turkey Deports 103 Nigerians



The Federal Government has received no fewer than 103 Nigerians deported from Turkey over alleged migration-related issues such as expired visas and irregular migration, among others.

Alhaji Tijani Ahmed, the Federal Commissioner, National Commission for Refugees Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI), stated this on Friday evening, during the deportees’ profiling in Abuja.

Represented by Amb. Catherine Udida, the Director of Migration Affairs in the commission, Ahmed said that the commission expected 110 deportees but received 103, all males.


“Some of them have been in the deportation camp for some months, and now that they are here, we are hoping to follow up on all the allegations gathered in their profiling.

“We will go through the profiling forms, because some of them have said that their passports were seized.

“We are going to follow up with the Turkish authority, because the passports are still the property of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” he assured.

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Similarly, Mr Bashir Garga, the North-Central Zonal Coordinator, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), assured the returnees of government’s readiness to support them through collaborative efforts of all relevant agencies.

However, some of the deported Nigerians have denied any wrongdoings.

One of the victims, Mr Arinze Stone, said that Turkish authority arrested and detained him in the camp for about six months, adding that he had been living in Turkey for quite some years doing business.

“They were arresting people whose paper are not yet out or just expired,” he said.


He alleged that it was since the European Union started paying Turkey for illegal immigrants, that the government stopped issuing and renewing resident permits.

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Each day, the European Union pays 120 Euros per head of immigrants in the Immigration Camp.

“Ever since I had been in Turkey, I always had my resident permit renewed. It just got expired and the Turkish authority collected 700 euros from me for tax and insurance and then cancelled the renewal,” he explained.


Stone added that the deportation fee of about 2,500 Euros that was supposed to be given to each victim was not paid.

Another victim, Mr Moses Emeh, said he had a registered company in Turkey which had been functioning for more than eight years.

“I also have a resident permit, which was forcibly cancelled but I had earlier planned to convert it into a working permit.

”I don’t know where to start from. But I believe this is a diplomatic issue and I trust our foreign affairs minister to follow it up.


“I also think that they should have a sensitisation programme for Nigerians still living over there in Turkey because the Turkish government is not being sincere and transparent with us,” Emeh stated.

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He narrated that he was arrested and put in a dungeon for 11 months and three weeks.

“I was told that If I did not sign the deportation documents, I would have to stay in their custody for one year to two years, after which I could be released and given immigration documents to sign, then be reintegrated into the system. But, they never fulfilled that.


“I also know that occupying a territory, without a permit is a crime, but mine was forcibly terminated twice, and I took the case to court.

“Since my case was already in court and the court was yet to preside over my case, I don’t think it is right for them to deport me,” he added.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the returnees were given some dignity kits, starter packs and stipends to enable them to travel to their respective places.

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Nigeria Missing In Top 10 Most Stressful Countries In Africa



A report has revealed the top 10 most stressful countries in Africa in 2024 with Nigeria ranked 33rd on the continent.

In Africa, stress levels are notably high due to a combination of economic challenges, political instability, and social issues.

In a report by CEOWORLD magazine, it shared the most stressed countries globally, with several African nations ranking high on the list.


The report, which compared 211 countries and territories across four categories—work-related stress, money-related stress, family-related stress, and health- and safety-related stress—provides insights into the global mental health landscape, highlighting which countries are performing well and which need improvement.

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The most stressful country in Africa, according to the report, is South Sudan, with a stress score of 45.68. Burundi follows closely with a score of 45.8, and the Central African Republic ranks next with a score of 46.07.

In 2023, the main sources of stress globally included money, the economy, and health issues, as highlighted in the CEOWORLD report.


The analysis helps identify areas where mental health support is most needed and which countries are effectively managing stress among their populations.

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Here is a list of the top 10 most stressful countries in Africa:

Top 10 most stressful countries in Africa
1. South Sudan – 45.68
2 Burundi – 45.8
3 Central African Republic – 46.07
4 DR Congo – 46.24
5 Niger – 46.7
6 Mozambique – 47.23
7 Eritrea – 47.32
8 Malawi – 47.52
9 Liberia – 47.94
10 Chad – 48.05


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‘We Have A Problem’: Democrats In ‘Aggressive Panic’ Over Biden’s Debate Performance



President Joe Biden was supposed to put the nation’s mind at ease over his physical and mental capacity with his debate showing Thursday night. But from the onset of the debate, the 81-year-old struggled seemingly even to talk, mostly summoning a weak, raspy voice.

In the opening minutes, the president repeatedly tripped over his words, misspoke and lost his train of thought.

In one of the most notable moments, Biden ended a rambling statement that lacked focus by saying, “We finally beat Medicare,” before moderators cut him off and transitioned back to Trump


While Biden warmed up and gained more of a rhythm as the debate progressed, he struggled to land a punch against Trump.

According to NBC news, Trump, unleashing a torrent of bad information — didn’t hesitate to pounce on Biden, saying at one point that he didn’t understand what Biden had just said with regard to the border.

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“I don’t know if he knows what he said either,” Trump said.


Nearly an hour into the debate, a Biden aide and others familiar with his situation offered up an explanation for the president’s hoarseness: He has a cold.

Even the Biden campaign acknowledged that the debate would be a critical moment in the election, with officials hoping it could shake up the race to the president’s benefit. Most polls have found the race to be neck and neck, a razor-thin margin that has remained unchanged for months, even after a jury found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts.

Questions about Biden’s age and frailty have dragged down his polling numbers for months. The public concerns are exacerbated by deceptively edited videos, some of which have gone viral, that cut off relevant portions of an event, making it appear as if Biden is wandering or confused. This was Biden’s first opportunity — since the State of the Union speech — to dispel that narrative.

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Instead of a new beginning, many Democrats saw it as a moment for panic.

“Democrats just committed collective suicide,” said one party strategist who has worked on presidential campaigns. “Biden sounds hoarse, looks tired and is babbling. He is reaffirming everything voters already perceived. President Biden can’t win. This debate is a nail in the political coffin.“

“It’s hard to argue that we shouldn’t nominate someone else,” a Democratic consultant who works on down-ballot races added.

Biden did ramp up as the debate progressed.


“Only one of us is a convicted felon, and I’m looking at him,” Biden said to Trump. That was one moment that tested really well with internal simultaneous Biden campaign polling at the time of the debate, according to a person familiar.

A Biden aide said that it was “not an ideal start” for the president at the beginning of the debate, but that there was “no mass panic” at the campaign headquarters in Delaware.

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Trump, meanwhile, has fended off his own questions over whether he’s diminished by age, including that he struggles to stay on topic and meanders when speaking. Biden has posited that the former president “snapped” after his 2020 election loss and is unstable. Biden, though, had prepped for the possibility of “two Trumps” appearing on the debate stage Thursday, and had planned to try to bait him into revealing “the true Trump.”


The muting of the microphones, a stipulation agreed to before the debate by both campaigns, added a new dimension to the face-off. The two men’s first match-up in 2020 was marked by repeated interruptions by Trump, leading to moments of frustration for Biden.

“Will you shut up, man?” Biden complained in that first Cleveland debate.

“I’m thinking the Democrats are thinking about who the Barry Goldwater is who can walk in tomorrow and tell the president he needs to step aside,” Ben Proto, chairman of the Connecticut Republican Party, said.

In 1974, after key Watergate tapes were made public, then-Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., went to see President Richard Nixon along with other prominent lawmakers and told him that he would be convicted by the Senate and should step aside— which Nixon did


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