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Imo Lady Stabs Lover To Death Over Internet Fraud Proceeds Sharing Formula



Operatives of the Imo State Police Command have arrested a 27-year-old lady, Oluchi Nzemechi, of Uzoagba in Ikeduru Local Government Area of the state for stabbing her partner, Kelechi Nzemechi, to death.

The police said upon interrogation, the suspect confessed to the crime, admitting that her 31-year-old lover lured her into internet fraud aka ‘yahoo yahoo’.

She explained that she had a heated argument with the deceased on Sunday for failing to give her a cut of an alleged 250 million Rupiah they fraudulently obtained from a victim in Indonesia.


During the argument, Nzemechi claimed she used a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the upper part of his body.

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“In a bid to cover up my criminal acts, I swiftly wrote on a piece of paper; ‘you think you can eat my money and go free, I am baba for the boys, I am coming for your wife and your child including your family and I placed it on his lifeless body and ran away from the house,” the suspect said while speaking to journalists when she was paraded by the police.

The suspect also stated that she has been living with the victim since 2019 and has a child for him.


The command’s Public Relations Officer, ASP Henry Okoye, said the suspect would be arraigned in court after the conclusion of the investigation.

“Effort is intensified to recover the alleged 250 million Indonesia Rupiah for a possible return to the owner. The suspect is currently undergoing an investigation at the State Criminal Investigation Department and will certainly be arraigned in court,” he added.



Justice At Last: Innocent Bricklayer, Lukman, Freed After 24-yr Incarceration




Lukman Adeyemi, a 50-year-old bricklayer, recounts his harrowing 24-year ordeal behind bars, the result of a misguided act of loyalty towards a friend.

His story, reported by Vanguard, highlights systemic flaws and injustices that led to his prolonged and wrongful incarceration.

Adeyemi describes his initial encounter with the justice system as a descent into hopelessness. He spent nine years in pre-trial detention, followed by an unbearable 15 years on death row.


The conditions he faced were nothing short of torturous, akin to a dark and endless nightmare.

During interrogations by SARS Police officers, Adeyemi endured severe physical and psychological torment, leading to coerced confessions for crimes he knew nothing about.

Reflecting on his unjust predicament, Adeyemi questions the integrity and fairness of the system.

Despite being an innocent bystander, he was entangled in a legal quagmire that seemed insurmountable. His decision to accompany his friend Ismaila Lasisi to the police station, out of loyalty, led to his wrongful arrest and subsequent incarceration.


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Throughout his imprisonment, Adeyemi faced scepticism and disbelief when attempting to share his truth. This prevailing sentiment of doubt and suspicion only added to his misery, as he grappled with false accusations and a lack of justice.

However, hope emerged when he encountered the Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation, headed by Pastor Hezekiah Olujobi. Their support and advocacy signalled a potential breakthrough in his quest for freedom.

Adeyemi shared his story: “I am Lukman Adeyemi, a native of Iwere-Ile, Iwajowa Local Government, Oyo State. I am a bricklayer by profession. I was 26 years old when I had this problem. In August 2000, after returning home from work with a friend living with me, Ismaila Lasisi, we were told that the police came looking for Ismaila and he was asked to report to the station.


“I immediately decided to follow him to the station. Lo and behold, I was arrested and detained along with him. I was tortured to the point of death over a crime I knew nothing about, right from the police station. I had a close shave with death over the murder of a woman hired by some of Ismaila’s ex-friends to fetch water for them at a construction site. The woman left home in the morning and never returned.

“Ismaila once lived with them. He begged to live with me after a misunderstanding with these people in March. I knew these people from a distance. Our paths never crossed. This was how I was charged to court along with these people over an offence I knew nothing about. In 2009, we were sentenced to death. We filed separate appeals, but they failed up to the Supreme Court.

“My story of innocence to whoever cared to listen fell on deaf ears, with many questioning, ‘If you’re not one of them, why mention your name?’ and ‘If truly you are innocent, why can’t the court free you?’

“I felt abandoned by the truth itself. I spent 24 years behind bars like 24 hours, a sleepless night that lasted for two decades.


“In June 2023, one of the officers of the Correctional Service, Deputy Superintendent of Correctional (DSC) AbdulKareem Awesu, introduced my case to a pastor, and I spoke with him on the phone.”

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The Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation steps in “On July 17, 2023, the Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation (CJMR), led by Pastor Hezekiah Olujobi, visited us at the Ibara Correctional Service. They listened to all of us, including the culprits who exonerated us. The organization reviewed our judgment and shed light on our innocence. June 14, 2024, will remain an evergreen and memorable day in my life. Light shone upon me; rain fell on my head for the first time, and I saw the moon for the first time.

“I never knew I could pay for the sin of another man. How could I have committed an offence and still boldly walk into a police station to report myself?


“I am grateful that the Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation intervened on my behalf, a beacon of hope in a sea of despair. Their belief in my innocence reignited the flame of justice within me, propelling me toward the possibility of redemption.”

The Executive Director of CJMR, Pastor Hezekiah Olujobi, elaborated on their efforts: “Our attention was drawn to the complaints of these two individuals by Welfare Officer DCP Awesu, who assured us of their innocence and the efforts made through the legal process without justice.

“We visited the Ibara Custodial Centre in Abeokuta to hear from them. The true perpetrators confessed that they committed the crime and that Adeyemi and Lasisi were innocent. We reviewed their judgments from both the trial court and the Supreme Court and found that the state’s presentation before the appellate court never allowed the court to shift ground.

“Lukman Adeyemi and his friend filed separate appeals to the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. None of the lawyers explored the way of arresting each person involved in this case. The course of probing the arrest process unfolded the truth.


“In the record of proceedings, we stumbled on evidence from PW1, a police officer who detailed the arrest. The contradictions in the judgments, the confessions of the real perpetrators, and the corroboration of their innocence led us to forward our findings to the office of the Attorney-General of Ogun State and the Committee for the Board of Prerogative of Mercy, who considered our appeal.”

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Pastor Olujobi highlighted issues like poor lawyering, misleading police information, and relentless prosecution as key factors in wrongful convictions in Nigeria. He emphasized that while police evidence is typically held in high regard, not all evidence is accurate or reliable.

Recognizing the fallibility of judges, the appellate process exists to rectify lower court errors. When justice remains elusive after exhausting legal avenues, CJMR reviews court evidence and presents cases to the Board of Mercy for consideration.


CJMR has successfully facilitated the release of over 20 wrongfully convicted individuals and secured the freedom of more than 600 unlawfully detained people in the South West Nigeria Custodial Service. They have reintegrated over 300 individuals back into society. Currently, they are reviewing 12 death row inmates and 10 awaiting trial cases for intervention. For those awaiting trial, CJMR collaborates with pro bono lawyers to represent them in various high courts in Ogun, Oyo, and Osun States, providing transportation support to ensure their court presence.

In cases of extended detention without legal advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions, CJMR advocates for their rights by demanding case file updates from the Ministry of Justice. If no case file is found, they escalate the matter to the Chief Judge’s office for resolution.

Support from the Ogun State Chief Judge, Honorable Justice Mosunmola Dipeolu FICMC, FHNR, the Ogun State Ministry of Justice, and former Oyo State Chief Judge, Honorable Justice Munktar Abimbola (Rtd), has been instrumental in advancing these initiatives.

With the collective efforts of the Nigeria Correctional Service, the Committee for the Board of Mercy, Ogun State, and Governor Dapo Abiodun, Lukman Adeyemi and Ismaila Lasisi’s innocence was finally recognized. The real perpetrators confessed, leading to their release.


Adeyemi and Lasisi express their gratitude to all who played a role in their eventual freedom, acknowledging the challenges faced and lives lost during their wrongful imprisonment.

Currently, Lukman Adeyemi and Ismaila Lasisi are at the CJMR Halfway Home for recovery and reintegration.

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Edo Intensifies Sensitization Against Drug Abuse




The Edo State Government has urged youths in the State to shun drug abuse as the menace has a negative impact on their livelihoods.

Commissioner for Youths and Humanitarian Affairs, Alhaji Zubairu Abubakar, made the appeal during a rally to sensitize youths on the dangers of drug abuse.

The Commissioner who was represented by a Director in the Ministry, Mrs. Aiyebeni Balogun, said the menace of drug abuse is pathetic as it has affected youths negatively.


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He said the rally was held as part of activities to mark the 2024 International Day Against Drug Abuse by the State Government, noting that the awareness was to demonstrate the commitment of the Edo State Government in checking the menace of drug abuse and called for more concerted efforts to curb the menace.

The rally kicked off from the Edo State Secretariat along Sapele Road, Benin City.

The commissioner urged youths in the state to “Maintain their sanity. Say no to cultism. Maintain discipline. Life is good; life is short. Say no to drugs, say no to crime, say no to drug abuse.”


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According to him, “We are doing this awareness because of the Government’s concern for youths in Edo State and the nation in general. You see our youths on the street; some are running mad, some are being killed as a result of cultism and some are involved in cybercrime and some are also involved in drug abuse.

“The Ministry of Youths and Humanitarian Affairs is also concerned about the welfare and the lives of our youths and that is why we are carrying out this sensitization to mark International Day against Drug Abuse.”

The International Day Against Drug Abuse is a day set aside by the United Nations to create awareness to the teeming population on the inherent dangers of Drug Abuse.


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Bauchi Govt Organizes Fabric Competition For Students




The Bauchi state Ministry of Education has on Tuesday, organized a state level fabric competition for students of both public and private schools in the state.

Speaking during the commencement of the competition, Dr Jamila Dahiru, the state’s Commissioner for Education, said the move was imperative to the call of the First Lady of Nigeria, Mrs Oluremi Tinubu.

According to her, the First Lady launched a project called unity in diversity which is a competition held among youth especially, school children aged 14 to 24.



She said these students were to participate in a fabric competition where they could use their talents to showcase unity in diversity in Nigeria.

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“This event is not just a celebration of creativity and craftsmanship but also a testament to the rich cultural heritage and innovative spirit that our community embodies.


“We gather to appreciate the intricate artistry and boundless imagination of our talented students, all unified by this inspiring theme: “Unity in Diversity.

“This theme resonates deeply with our community emphasizing how our diverse backgrounds, traditions, and perspectives can come together to create something truly extraordinary.

“Unity in Diversity reflects the very essence of our fabric competition. It symbolizes how different patterns, colors, and textures, much like our varied cultures and traditions, can blend harmoniously to produce stunning works of art.

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“This theme encourages us to celebrate our differences while recognizing the strength and beauty that come from our collective efforts,” said the Commissioner.

Also speaking, Hajiya Fatima Garba, Director, School Services, Bauchi State Ministry of Education, said that the competition would not only bring to the fore some talented students, but it would also equip them to be self-reliant in the near future.

“Why we organized this fabric competition is because we have talented students that are creative and we want these students to be self-reliant so that they can manufacture things by themselves.

“They should not depend on white collar jobs and this competition will surely help us to bring up the best, dedicated and hard working students and the best of them will be representing Bauchi state in the finals in Abuja,” she said.


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The fabric competition was categorized into four parts which included; Embroidery, Cap Design, women’s wrapper design and men’s dress design.

In the Embroidery, the Government Day Secondary School, Bauchi took the first position, Government Day Technical College took second position while Government Technical College, Tafawa Balewa took third position.

Also, in Cap Design, Government Day Technical College came first, Government Girls College, Bauchi came second and Government Science Secondary School, Misau came third.


In Men Dress Design, Hally BEES took the first position and Special Education Centre (SEC), Bauchi, took the second position while Government Day Technical College, Tafawa Balewa took first in Women Wrapper Design, Government Girls College College (GGC), Bauchi came second while Hally BEES Secondary School came third.

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