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Kenya Anti-tax Protests Death Toll Hits 13



The death toll from protests in Kenya has climbed to 13, an official from the main doctors’ association told AFP Wednesday, after anti-tax hike rallies turned violent and police opened fire at demonstrators who ransacked parliament.

The unprecedented scenes that left parts of parliament ablaze and gutted and injured scores of people on Tuesday have shocked Kenyans and prompted President William Ruto’s government to deploy the military.

The mainly youth-led rallies began mostly peacefully last week, with thousands of demonstrators marching in the capital Nairobi and across the country against the tax increases.


But tensions flared sharply on Tuesday afternoon, as police officers fired live rounds on crowds that later ransacked the parliament complex.

Hours later, Defence Minister Aden Bare Duale announced that the government had deployed the army to support the police in tackling “the security emergency” in the country.

“So far, we have at least 13 people killed, but this is not the final number,” Simon Kigondu, president of the Kenya Medical Association said, adding that he had never seen “such level of violence against unarmed people.”

“Deaths, mayhem”, read the front-page headline on the Standard newspaper, while the Daily Nation described the situation as “Pandemonium”, saying: “The foundations of the country have been shaken to the core.”


READ ALSO: You Can’t Kill All Of Us,’ Kenya Protesters Vow To March Again

An official at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi said Wednesday that medics were treating “160 people… some of them with soft tissue injuries, some of them with bullet wounds”.

In a late-night press briefing, Ruto warned that his government would take a tough line against “violence and anarchy”, likening some of the demonstrators to “criminals”.

It is not in order or even conceivable that criminals pretending to be peaceful protesters can reign terror against the people, their elected representatives and the institutions established under our constitution and expect to go scot-free,” he said.


The government has been taken by surprise by the intensity of opposition to its tax proposals –- mostly led by young, Gen-Z Kenyans — which culminated in the scenes at parliament that played out live on television.

Images shared on local TV stations after crowds broke through the barricades showed the building ransacked, with burnt furniture and smashed windows.

READ ALSO: 10 Things To Know About Kenya President-elect, Ruto

As police fired at the angry crowds, leaving several bodies strewn on the ground, protest organisers urged people to walk home together and “stay safe”.


– ‘Madness’ –

A heavy police presence was deployed around parliament early on Wednesday, according to an AFP reporter, the smell of tear gas still in the air.

A policeman standing in front of the broken barricades to the complex told AFP he had watched the scenes unfold on TV.

“It was madness, we hope it will be calm today,” he said.


Earlier on Tuesday, the rallies in various Kenyan cities had been largely peaceful.

However, tensions escalated in Nairobi later in the day, with some protesters hurling stones at police, who deployed tear gas and water cannons before firing live bullets.

AFP journalists saw three people bleeding heavily and lying motionless on the ground near parliament.

READ ALSO: You Can’t Kill All Of Us,’ Kenya Protesters Vow To March Again


– ‘Brute force’ –

The unrest has alarmed the international community, with the White House appealing for calm and more than 10 Western nations — including Canada, Germany and Britain — saying they were “especially shocked by the scenes witnessed outside the Kenyan Parliament”.

UN chief Antonio Guterres and the head of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, have also expressed deep concern.

Veteran opposition leader Raila Odinga, who heads the Azimio coalition, accused the government of unleashing “brute force on our country’s children”.


Rights watchdogs have also accused the authorities of abducting protesters.

The police have not responded to any AFP requests for comment.

– Cost of living –

READ ALSO: Five Killed During Kenya Anti-tax Protests


Long-running grievances over the rising cost of living spiralled last week as lawmakers began debating proposed tax hikes in the 2024 finance bill.

The cash-strapped government says the increases are needed to service the country’s massive debt of some 10 trillion shillings ($78 billion), equal to roughly 70 per cent of Kenya’s GDP.

After rolling back some of the more controversial proposals — which would have affected bread purchases, car ownership, and financial and mobile services — the government now intends to increase fuel prices and export duties.

Kenya’s treasury has warned of a gaping budget shortfall of 200 billion shillings, following Ruto’s decision to roll back some of the tax hikes.


While Kenya is among East Africa’s most dynamic economies, a third of its 52 million population live in poverty.




Police Arrest Female Prison Officer Filmed Having Sex With Inmate In UK Cell




Police have arrested a woman after footage emerged of a female prison officer having sex with an inmate in an HMP Wandsworth jail cell.

The suspect was taken into custody yesterday on suspicion of misconduct in public office.

The video shows a prison officer engaging in sexual acts with an unidentified prisoner at the Category A jail in south-west London. The woman is seen wearing her uniform during the explicit encounter.


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The footage, believed to be recent, depicts the officer first performing a sex act on the prisoner before having intercourse with him.

The incident was reportedly filmed by the inmate’s cellmate using a mobile phone. The cell’s interior is visible in the video, showing a TV and piles of clothes on a bunk bed.

Ian Acheson, a former prison governor, commented on the security implications of the incident: “If this footage is authentic, and I’ve been assured it is, the problems confronting a likely new Labour administration go far beyond overcrowding.”


The case has raised serious concerns about security protocols and staff conduct within the prison system.


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‘Too Stressful’; No Intension Of Going Back To Presidential Villa – Patience Jonathan




Former First Lady Patience Jonathan has said that she has no intention of returning to the Presidential Villa.

She said the stress associated with the office was too much.

Mrs. Jonathan stated this in an event on Friday.


Jonathan in a video seen by The Nation said if anybody calls her to return to the Villa, she would refuse the offer as she is now old.

She added that if God brings one out of the stress, one should be grateful to God.

READ ALSO: At Least 30 Killed In Kenya Anti-government Protests – HRW

“If you call me now for villa, I won’t go there. I won’t. Don’t you see how young I am? The stress is so much.


“The stress of Nigeria is so much. If God manages to bring you out of it, you should glorify God and thank him. It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.

“He has taken you there once, why do you want to go there again? Me I won’t go oo,” she stated.


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OPINION: Why Aiyedatiwa Should Not Appeal Court Judgment On Creation Of LCDA In Ondo State




James Tam

By Tam Icon-James

Last year, the Rotimi Akeredolu administration proposed the creation of 33 Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) in Ondo State, which was subsequently approved by the State Assembly and signed into law by the late Governor in Ibadan, Oyo State.

However, the creation of these LCDAs sparked controversies, particularly due to alleged land encroachments affecting neighboring communities. For instance, disputes arose between the Apoi in Igbobini, Ese-Odo, and the Ikale in Irele, as well as some historic communities of Arogbo in Ese-Odo and Ilaje LGAs respectively. Painfully, these issues led to protests, notably led by the Kalasuwe of Apoi, His Royal Majesty, Pere (Prof) Sunday Adejimola Amuseghan, Lawe II, the Prescribed or Consenting Authority of Apoiland, expressing dissatisfaction with the state government’s actions. Other affected areas also voiced their opposition.


Subsequently, legal challenges ensued, resulting in a Court decision that nullified the creation of the LCDAs. The Court cited reasons such as the bill being signed into law outside the state, among other grounds for its decision.

READ ALSO: Court Nullifies Ondo’s 33 LCDAs

The Court’s decision received mixed reactions among the state’s residents. While some applauded the ruling, others called for an appeal by the state government, citing the need to preserve the late Governor’s legacy. However, the fundamental question remains: does the creation of LCDAs effectively address the governance needs at the grassroots level?

Instead of focusing solely on creating new LCDAs, we must scrutinize the effectiveness of the existing local government structure. Advocates for LCDAs argue they would bring governance closer to the people. Yet, if our goal is truly effective local governance, strengthening the current system might be more beneficial than adding more layers of administration prone to mismanagement.


In light of this, I believe Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa should reconsider any appeal of the High Court’s judgment. Such an appeal would likely consume resources better spent on bolstering existing local government administrations to better serve our communities.

Tam Icon-James James, writes from the creeks of
Ogidigba 2, Ondo State.

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