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Man Pleads Guilty To Stealing 2 Television Sets From Church



An Ejigbo Magistrates’ Court, Lagos State, on Friday remanded a 22-year-old man, Victor Orlando, who pleaded guilty to stealing two television sets from a church.

The Magistrate, Miss K. A. Ariyo, directed that Orlando should be kept in a custodial facility pending review of facts of the case and judgment.

Ariyo adjourned the case until June 11 for review of facts and judgment.


Earlier, the prosecutor, ASP Benedict Aigbokhan, told the court that the defendant committed the offence on May 13 at 4.00 a.m. at No. 5, Okunogbe Street, Egbe, Ikotun, Lagos State.

Aigbokhan said that the defendant stole a 50-inch plasma television set worth N600,000 and a 45-inch smart television set worth N220,000.

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The prosecutor said that the television sets belonged to the Shining Light Church.


He said that the defendant was caught in the act by security guards, who handed him over to the police.

The prosecutor said that the offence contravened Section 287 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.



Again, Clark Writes Tinubu, Demands Nnamdi Kanu’s Release



The leader of the Ijaw nation, Edwin Clark, has called on President Bola Tinubu, to direct the Attorney General of the Federation, Lateef Fagbemi, to file a nolle prosequi for the release of the leader of the Independent People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu.

Clark urged Tinubu to ask the Attorney General of the Federation to file a nolle prosequi to release the detained IPOB leader, noting that his (Kanu’s) freedom on political grounds was long overdue.

This was contained in a second letter to the President on Sunday, following a first in which the elder statesman urged the President not to tow the path of his predecessor, President Muhammadu Buhari, who marginalised and subjugated the Igbos, by exempting them from certain appointments.


“The release of Nnamdi Kanu by Mr President on political grounds is overdue as earlier explained. Mr President should direct the Attorney General to enter a nolle prosequi to free Nnamdi Kanu who has shown his intention to work with the Federal Government, to bring peace and stability in the South-East and to Nigerians as a whole, as it has been recently done in similar cases of treasonable felony as in the case of Miyetti Allah president, Abdullahi Bello Bodejo of Nasarawa state.”, he said.

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The PUNCH however reports that Kanu was denied bail in April by Justice Binta Nyako of the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, who granted an accelerated hearing instead.

In his letter, Clark said the move would complete the reconciliation of Nigeria and end the sit-at-home order in the Southeast.


He said the IPOB had “fashioned a place for itself” in the hearts and minds of young people, because of the short-changing of Igbos from the South East over the years while urging the use of the “carrot and stick approach”, rather than military force, in addressing the agitations in the region.

“Apart from demanding the restructuring of Nigeria, the political freedom of Nnamdi Kanu will no doubt complete the reconciliation of Nigeria and bring an end to the needless Monday sit-at-home order, which has disturbed businesses and civil activities in the South-East.

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“The short-changing of the Igbos of the South East over the years is the reason why IPOB has fashioned a place for itself in the hearts and minds of the young people in the Southeast with its demand for self-determination. I have physically seen these IPOB boys in action, at the Ekwueme Square in Awka, Anambra State, when I attended a meeting of the Southern and Middle Belt Leaders Forum there.


“None of these youths witnessed the civil war and are, definitely, not abreast with the history of the war and its full ramifications. I advise, therefore, that rather than the use of military force which has already proved counter-productive, they should be carefully treated with the “carrot and stick approach”, in the interest of the peace, stability, and progress of Nigeria as a whole and the Southeast zone in particular.”

Clark further emphasised the importance of reintegrating the Igbos into the mainstream of Nigeria, in which their region would be equal with other regions in the country, noting that anything short of that would not be in the interest of the country.

“Let me re-emphasize the importance and urgency of reintegrating the Igbos into the mainstream of Nigeria where their region will be equal with other regions in all ramifications, meaning that they should be fully and unconditionally united or be admitted into the Union of Nigeria as it was before the civil war.

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“Anything short of that is not in the interest of a united Nigeria and there may be no end to the insecurity in Nigeria.”

He also called for the restructuring of Nigeria, of which he said the President had also been a principal advocate before becoming Senator and the Governor of Lagos state, adding that restructuring the country “will be one of your most enduring legacies when you leave office”.

“Mr President you have always been the principal advocate of restructuring even before you became Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Governor of Lagos State.

“During your time, you passionately advocated for a Sovereign National Conference, which was even more inclusive than the current restructuring we are demanding, in Nigeria. Undoubtedly, this pursuit of restructuring will be one of your most enduring legacies when you leave office,” he added.



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Okomu Attack: INC Talks Tough, Warns Those Twisting The Incident To Desist Or…



…narrates how it all happened

The Ijaw National Congress (INC) has cautioned those twisting the Okomu attack incident to desist from such an act or face the wrath of the law.

Recall that some militia allegedly led by one Lawrence Yanbor invaded the community on May 14, 2024, burnt down over 30 houses in the community, shot some Edo State Security Network personnel in their base in the community and also set ablaze double (85) Horse Power Speed Boat donated by the Edo State Government.

The terrorists were said to have  also invaded the community on June 7, attacked military personnel and also shot the traditional ruler of the community.


But some online publications believed to have been paid twisted the story, saying the military carried  out the May 14 2024 attack where over 30 houses were burnt, and also that of June 7, 2024 attack, where three military personnel were injured and the traditional ruler of the community shot.

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Putting the record straight, Chief Freeman Cousin, INC Chairman, Okomu clan, while debunking the report being twisted that military came to attack Okomu community on the invitation of the traditional ruler, said the report was not only misleading but cooked by some mischievous persons and rumour mongers.

Chief Cousin, who said he is also affected as his house was completely burnt down by the gang, added: “I wish to categorically state that publication by some ill-trained bloggers a few days ago that our king invited Lawrence and his gang for a meeting in disguise for them to be arrested by the military is not true. This is a lie peddled by Lawrence and his supporters. And the online platforms, rather than calling chiefs in the kingdom or persons like me who represent the apex body of the Ijaw nation in the kingdom, failed to do so but went ahead to publish the lies. This is an unprofessional conduct in the little I know about journalism. Now, if we take such online platforms to court, they will call us all sorts of names.”


He added: “This is exactly what happened in Okomu. There was information, according to the 4 Brigade Commander, that there were some persons that were involved in the Okuama killings in Delta State that were hiding in Okomu forest with Lawrence Yanbor. So, on the 7th of May,  they went to Okomu community led by 4 Brigade Commander, and from there they went to Okorodudu and to Opuba where Lawrence and his group were hiding. So, on the third day of their stay the soldiers pulled out from the area in line with the directive from the 4 Brigade Commander, believing that there would be peace.

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“Lawrence Yanbor and his gang came to Okomu community and alleged that it was Okomu community people that brought the army.

“Lawrence and his gang thereafter invaded the community and burnt down over 30 houses including mine, the base of Edo State Security Network and double (85) Horse Power Speed Boat Edo State Government donated.”


He continued: “After this incident, the Brigade Commander sent another troop to the scene of the crime. Thereafter, they left some soldiers at Makilolo community. They were saddled with the responsibility of maintaining peace through regular patrol between Makilolo community and Okomu community.

“And this was exactly what they were doing when on the 7th of June, on their normal routine patrol, they went to Okomu community and went to the King’s palace to greet him and stayed with him for a while. Immediately they left, according to the King, Lawrence and his gang surrounded the palace, and said they heard that the soldiers were in the palace. But unfortunately, the soldiers had left before they came.

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“So, as this happened , the king put a call across to one of the leaders of the troop and informed them that Lawrence and his gang have taken over his palace. They were about entering their boat en route to Makilolo community, but because of the call from the King, they retrieved and as they were trying to get back to the palace for intervention as requested by the king, Lawrence and his gang laid ambush on the soldiers and opened fire on the soldiers.


“At this point, three soldiers sustained injury. The gang scattered the soldiers gunboat glass with bullets.

“After the attack on soldiers, the gang went back to the palace, shot the king, destroyed his house and took away some valuables from the palace. As people tried to rush the King to hospital, the gang stopped them, insisting that he must die. But along the line some persons summoned courage and rushed the king into a wooden boat to an undisclosed hospital in Ondo State. As we speak, he is still receiving treatment,” he narrated.

On allegation that the king invited the soldiers to Okomu to attack Lawrence and his gang and that the soldiers shot him (king), Chief Cousin questioned: “If truely he invited the soldiers, would they have shot him? Would they have destroyed his palace and cart away valuables?”

Chief Cousin thereafter warned those twisting the Okomu attack to desist from such an act, stating that any further twisted report by any platform whatsoever would be attended to legally.


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Police Arrest Two For Robbery, Rape In Anambra



The Anambra State Police Command said it has arrested two persons for armed robbery and rape.

The command also recovered locally made guns, six live cartridges and a motorcycle from the suspects.

This was disclosed in a press statement issued by the state police spokesman, SP Tochukwu Ikenga, on Sunday.


Ikenga said the suspects were we lp Njikoka Local Government Area of the state.

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He said, “In the early hours of 15/6/2024 police operatives attached to Abagana division arrested two serial offenders wanted on a case of alleged rape and armed robbery, recovered two locally-made double barrel guns, one locally-made single barrel gun, six live cartridges, and one Q-link motorcycle.

“The suspects are Chukwuma Diji ‘M’ a.k.a Sympathy or Chi-boy aged 35years of Obinagu Umudun Village, Abagana, and Michael Edochie ‘M’ a.k.a. Mikel aged 31years of Eziabunabu Umudun, Abagana, sometime last year 2023, allegedly raped a married woman at Obinagu Abagana and fled the community when security operatives attempted to arrest them.


“Also on 6/6/2024, the suspects broke into an apartment belonging to a young lady and raped her and her friend at gunpoint. The criminals later forced one of the victims to transfer money to his account after they took turns having sex with them. Chukwuma and Michael both confessed to the crime.”

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The Commissioner of Police Anambra State Police Command, CP Nnaghe Itam, ordered the immediate transfer of the case to the State Criminal Investigation Department, for a comprehensive look to get justice for the victims of the alleged crime.

He added that the suspects are to be arraigned in court after the investigation is concluded.


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