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Again, Clark Writes Tinubu, Demands Nnamdi Kanu’s Release



The leader of the Ijaw nation, Edwin Clark, has called on President Bola Tinubu, to direct the Attorney General of the Federation, Lateef Fagbemi, to file a nolle prosequi for the release of the leader of the Independent People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu.

Clark urged Tinubu to ask the Attorney General of the Federation to file a nolle prosequi to release the detained IPOB leader, noting that his (Kanu’s) freedom on political grounds was long overdue.

This was contained in a second letter to the President on Sunday, following a first in which the elder statesman urged the President not to tow the path of his predecessor, President Muhammadu Buhari, who marginalised and subjugated the Igbos, by exempting them from certain appointments.


“The release of Nnamdi Kanu by Mr President on political grounds is overdue as earlier explained. Mr President should direct the Attorney General to enter a nolle prosequi to free Nnamdi Kanu who has shown his intention to work with the Federal Government, to bring peace and stability in the South-East and to Nigerians as a whole, as it has been recently done in similar cases of treasonable felony as in the case of Miyetti Allah president, Abdullahi Bello Bodejo of Nasarawa state.”, he said.

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The PUNCH however reports that Kanu was denied bail in April by Justice Binta Nyako of the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, who granted an accelerated hearing instead.

In his letter, Clark said the move would complete the reconciliation of Nigeria and end the sit-at-home order in the Southeast.


He said the IPOB had “fashioned a place for itself” in the hearts and minds of young people, because of the short-changing of Igbos from the South East over the years while urging the use of the “carrot and stick approach”, rather than military force, in addressing the agitations in the region.

“Apart from demanding the restructuring of Nigeria, the political freedom of Nnamdi Kanu will no doubt complete the reconciliation of Nigeria and bring an end to the needless Monday sit-at-home order, which has disturbed businesses and civil activities in the South-East.

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“The short-changing of the Igbos of the South East over the years is the reason why IPOB has fashioned a place for itself in the hearts and minds of the young people in the Southeast with its demand for self-determination. I have physically seen these IPOB boys in action, at the Ekwueme Square in Awka, Anambra State, when I attended a meeting of the Southern and Middle Belt Leaders Forum there.


“None of these youths witnessed the civil war and are, definitely, not abreast with the history of the war and its full ramifications. I advise, therefore, that rather than the use of military force which has already proved counter-productive, they should be carefully treated with the “carrot and stick approach”, in the interest of the peace, stability, and progress of Nigeria as a whole and the Southeast zone in particular.”

Clark further emphasised the importance of reintegrating the Igbos into the mainstream of Nigeria, in which their region would be equal with other regions in the country, noting that anything short of that would not be in the interest of the country.

“Let me re-emphasize the importance and urgency of reintegrating the Igbos into the mainstream of Nigeria where their region will be equal with other regions in all ramifications, meaning that they should be fully and unconditionally united or be admitted into the Union of Nigeria as it was before the civil war.

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“Anything short of that is not in the interest of a united Nigeria and there may be no end to the insecurity in Nigeria.”

He also called for the restructuring of Nigeria, of which he said the President had also been a principal advocate before becoming Senator and the Governor of Lagos state, adding that restructuring the country “will be one of your most enduring legacies when you leave office”.

“Mr President you have always been the principal advocate of restructuring even before you became Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Governor of Lagos State.

“During your time, you passionately advocated for a Sovereign National Conference, which was even more inclusive than the current restructuring we are demanding, in Nigeria. Undoubtedly, this pursuit of restructuring will be one of your most enduring legacies when you leave office,” he added.




Edo Intensifies Sensitization Against Drug Abuse




The Edo State Government has urged youths in the State to shun drug abuse as the menace has a negative impact on their livelihoods.

Commissioner for Youths and Humanitarian Affairs, Alhaji Zubairu Abubakar, made the appeal during a rally to sensitize youths on the dangers of drug abuse.

The Commissioner who was represented by a Director in the Ministry, Mrs. Aiyebeni Balogun, said the menace of drug abuse is pathetic as it has affected youths negatively.


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He said the rally was held as part of activities to mark the 2024 International Day Against Drug Abuse by the State Government, noting that the awareness was to demonstrate the commitment of the Edo State Government in checking the menace of drug abuse and called for more concerted efforts to curb the menace.

The rally kicked off from the Edo State Secretariat along Sapele Road, Benin City.

The commissioner urged youths in the state to “Maintain their sanity. Say no to cultism. Maintain discipline. Life is good; life is short. Say no to drugs, say no to crime, say no to drug abuse.”


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According to him, “We are doing this awareness because of the Government’s concern for youths in Edo State and the nation in general. You see our youths on the street; some are running mad, some are being killed as a result of cultism and some are involved in cybercrime and some are also involved in drug abuse.

“The Ministry of Youths and Humanitarian Affairs is also concerned about the welfare and the lives of our youths and that is why we are carrying out this sensitization to mark International Day against Drug Abuse.”

The International Day Against Drug Abuse is a day set aside by the United Nations to create awareness to the teeming population on the inherent dangers of Drug Abuse.


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Bauchi Govt Organizes Fabric Competition For Students




The Bauchi state Ministry of Education has on Tuesday, organized a state level fabric competition for students of both public and private schools in the state.

Speaking during the commencement of the competition, Dr Jamila Dahiru, the state’s Commissioner for Education, said the move was imperative to the call of the First Lady of Nigeria, Mrs Oluremi Tinubu.

According to her, the First Lady launched a project called unity in diversity which is a competition held among youth especially, school children aged 14 to 24.



She said these students were to participate in a fabric competition where they could use their talents to showcase unity in diversity in Nigeria.

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“This event is not just a celebration of creativity and craftsmanship but also a testament to the rich cultural heritage and innovative spirit that our community embodies.


“We gather to appreciate the intricate artistry and boundless imagination of our talented students, all unified by this inspiring theme: “Unity in Diversity.

“This theme resonates deeply with our community emphasizing how our diverse backgrounds, traditions, and perspectives can come together to create something truly extraordinary.

“Unity in Diversity reflects the very essence of our fabric competition. It symbolizes how different patterns, colors, and textures, much like our varied cultures and traditions, can blend harmoniously to produce stunning works of art.

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“This theme encourages us to celebrate our differences while recognizing the strength and beauty that come from our collective efforts,” said the Commissioner.

Also speaking, Hajiya Fatima Garba, Director, School Services, Bauchi State Ministry of Education, said that the competition would not only bring to the fore some talented students, but it would also equip them to be self-reliant in the near future.

“Why we organized this fabric competition is because we have talented students that are creative and we want these students to be self-reliant so that they can manufacture things by themselves.

“They should not depend on white collar jobs and this competition will surely help us to bring up the best, dedicated and hard working students and the best of them will be representing Bauchi state in the finals in Abuja,” she said.


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The fabric competition was categorized into four parts which included; Embroidery, Cap Design, women’s wrapper design and men’s dress design.

In the Embroidery, the Government Day Secondary School, Bauchi took the first position, Government Day Technical College took second position while Government Technical College, Tafawa Balewa took third position.

Also, in Cap Design, Government Day Technical College came first, Government Girls College, Bauchi came second and Government Science Secondary School, Misau came third.


In Men Dress Design, Hally BEES took the first position and Special Education Centre (SEC), Bauchi, took the second position while Government Day Technical College, Tafawa Balewa took first in Women Wrapper Design, Government Girls College College (GGC), Bauchi came second while Hally BEES Secondary School came third.

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Rivers: Bonny Youths Protest , Shut Down Oil Companies Over Alleged Neglect




Finima Youths in the Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State on Tuesday shut down two major oil service companies: Saipem Construction Nigeria Limited and Daewoo Engineering and Construction Limited, protesting against perceived neglect and marginalisation.

These companies are key contractors in the ongoing Train Seven Project of the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (NLNG). Braving heavy rain, the youths barricaded the gates, halting the entry and exit of staff.

The protesters demanded the enforcement of the Local Content Development Act of 2017 which mandates the inclusion of host communities in significant projects.


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They claim their community has been sidelined in the Train Seven Project, a major venture aimed at boosting the nation’s gas production and economic growth.

Reacting to these accusations, the Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) Acting General Manager of External Relations and Sustainable Development Charles Epelle emphasized that the matter is between the workers and the contractors and not directly with the firm.

He disclosed that engagements to resolve the issue amicably are underway. Epelle added that NLNG prioritises inclusiveness and calls for a peaceful resolution to expressed grievances.


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